I help patients step away from their trauma and get those memories into proper perspective.
I'm proud to say my practice is at the forefront of Trauma Treatment using these advanced techniques:
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing)
This special technique teaches the victim to integrate a difficult experience, using bilateral stimulation (BLS) to support the brain’s natural processing of stored memories. The end result allows one to gather the knowledge and insight such memories hold—instead of being at the mercy of viscerally-stored physical reactions, sensations, impulses and emotions.
Survivors of abuse, violence, rape, accidents—their bodies tell a story and can react in specific ways to both remembered and suppressed traumatic memories with: migraines, addiction, chronic pain, gastrointestinal disorders, et cetera. It can also manifest in negative
self-belief, such as: “I’m not good enough,” “I’m a bad person” or “I’m not lovable.” With EMDR I help patients step away from their trauma and get those memories into proper perspective. This can be incredibly healing, empowering—possibly even life-saving.
SE (Somatic Experiencing)
Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a gentle yet powerful approach to Trauma Treatment. The roots of SE can be found in our natural “fight, flight or freeze” response to danger. The doctor who invented the SE model understood that trauma originates in the nervous system—not in the event. Two people can have markedly different reactions to a threat, but both reactions are fueled by adrenaline.
Every incident causes a certain amount of “threat energy” to be absorbed into the body (victims of trauma know exactly what I’m talking about here). Using SE, we examine the trauma frame-by-frame—as if it were a movie— and “rewire” the nervous system. This helps to heal existing damage and hopefully protect against future “re-traumatization.”